Canada Cities
- Montreal - What do you get when you combine the smarts of North America with the laid-back insouciance of Europe? 350 years of progress with the friendly nature of a village? High-tech and high style? ‹‹ Learn More ››
- Niagara Falls - Niagara Falls is famous first and foremost for its spectacular natural wonder of the thunderous Horseshoe Falls, but also for its immaculate parks and recreational trails, fascinating historical and cultural points of interests, over 90 diversified restaurants, 50 international recognized wineries, 40 professional golf courses, world renowned theatre, affordable accommodations, and countless attractions. This is why Niagara attracts more visitors each year than perhaps any other tourist destination in North America. ‹‹ Learn More ››
- Quebec City - Québec City is most definitely a world class destination. Perched atop Cap-Diamant, Old-Québec tells of its 400 years of history through its architecture and narrow winding streets. Visitors marvel at its spectacular beauty, enhanced by the presence of the flowing St.Lawrence River. With French notes in the air, one feels literally transported into a European feel. Bistros serving "Café au lait" and boutiques offering local artisans' work of art recall its original roots. ‹‹ Learn More ››
- Toronto - A gloriously all-weather destination, Toronto has different experiences in store for you no matter the time of year. Situated on the northern shore of Lake Ontario, Toronto is one of the southernmost cities in Canada. In fact, the latitude is very close to that of northern California. As a result, Toronto enjoys a moderate climate with the warmest springs and summers in Canada. ‹‹ Learn More ››
- Vancouver - Vancouver, BC, Canada is a world class city located in one of the most naturally beautiful locations you will ever sea. The coastal mountains rise straight out of the Burrard Inlet. In fact, you can ski at Grouse Mountain in the winter months and the parking lot to the tram is just north of downtown! ‹‹ Learn More ››
- Victoria - Located at the Southern tip of Vancouver Island off mainland Western Canada, this beautiful city has maintained a certain British ambiance. With water on nearly three sides and a lovely inner harbor, most activities center around boating and fishing. ‹‹ Learn More ››